“Joe Joe in the City” series – Educator Resources

Nichelle Boyd Robinson, EdD, Director of Teacher Education & Clinical Practice at The University of Memphis, has used the “Joe Joe in the City” series extensively in both her undergraduate- and graduate-level teacher education courses. The following lessons are used with the permission of Dr. Robinson.

The lessons in “The Joe Joe Series: A Culturally Responsive Resource” by Nichelle C. Boyd and Kantaylieniere Hill-Clarke, Social Studies and the Young Learner 17 (2), pp. 23-27 offer educators a means with which to use children’s literature—through an examination of the “Joe Joe in the City” series—to great advantage in the social studies curriculum. Click Here.

The lessons contained in “Build the Knowledge and They Will Understand: Making Social Studies Relevant to the Under-Resourced Child” by Nichelle C. Boyd, EdD, All Children Can Learn: Effectively Educating the Under-Resourced Child by Williams-Black, Boyd, Key and Jones (Kendall Hunt Publishing Company 2009) offer social studies-, reading/language arts-, science- and math-related classroom activities that embrace morals/values/character education utilizing the “Joe Joe in the City” series. See Appendix A: Lesson Plans that Bring Social Studies Topics to Life for Students,” pp. 33 (bottom of the page) – 36. Click Here